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Benchmark your firm’s marketing

Posted by Matt Wilkinson on 22 Jun 2017

Bizink blog post.jpgWant to know how your firm’s marketing compares to other accountants and bookkeepers? Me too!

In the annual Bizink Accounting Marketing Survey, we uncover how accounting businesses across the globe are promoting their firms. From social to search, events to email, we'll reveal the marketing tactics firms are using and measure their effectiveness.

It’s not just about “keeping up with the Joneses”. Our goal is to show what marketing really works (or doesn’t) so the whole profession can improve.

You’re probably thinking not another survey but it takes just 3 minutes to complete and in return you’ll get:

  • A copy of the report when it's written
  • A free marketing plan workbook
  • A free website audit

Your input is appreciated - the more data we have, the richer the insights we can deliver when we right the report. Thanks in advance!

Take the Bizink Accounting Marketing Survey.