
Cloud Accounting for Good - with Spotlight Reporting

Written by Richard Francis | 01 Oct 2014

Kirsten Forrester likes nothing more than seeing the reaction on the faces of Not-for-Profit clients when they see Spotlight Reports for the first time. "We've even had one throw the report into the air they were so excited to finally get understandable, usable reports that give them insight rather than a headache", says Kirsten.

Kirsten has worked for many years at Accounting for Good (formerly Matrix on Board). Accounting for Good specialises in the Not-for-Profit sector, where clarity, good governance and informed decision-making are so important.

Kirsten notes that cloud accounting - Xero and Spotlight Reporting in particular - has revolutionised the way she and her colleagues provide services to clients. With bookkeeping, Virtual CFO, traditional accounting and consulting service offerings, Accounting for Good can really add value across the spectrum of need.

Cloud software like Xero and Spotlight Reporting means that there is enhanced visibility, accessibility and integration. Gone are the tyranny of desk-bound systems, divergent data-sets, a physical presence on-site and little or no 'real time' oversight of client position and performance.

"We have clients all over Australia, so to be able to share reports online or by email and to Skype as well to discuss recommendations, is not only useful - it's critical. We like working with organisations wherever they are, in real time."

Not-for-Profits, as stewards of donated or grant monies, have a high level or responsibility and potential liability, Kirsten notes. With Spotlight Reporting, financial and non-financial data loses its opaqueness, allowing Boards and their decision-makers to understand and act with confidence.

"Being alongside them on the journey means that they can perform their social enterprise work with confidence, while we can be confident that we have our finger on the financial pulse with Spotlight Reporting."
